«Te aseguro que el título de este libro es una descripcio´n totalmente exacta del contenido. No creo que mi madre me hubiera contado las historias que he recopilado aquí, ni aunque hubieran estado a su alcance. Te espera todo un abanico de emociones, exceptuando, claro está, aquellos sentimientos más tiernos y amables, con los que yo no tengo nada que ver... Alfred Hitchcock CON RELATOSDE RAY BRADBURY, SHIRLEY JACKSON, ROALD DAHL, MARGARET ST. CLAIR Y MUCHOS MA´S ENGLISH DESCRIPTION "I can assure you the title of this book is an absolutely accuratedescription of its contents. I don't think my mother would have ever told me the stories I compiledhere, even if she had known them. You are in for a broad range of emotions, except, of course, the sweeter, kinder feelings I have nothing to do with." --Alfred Hitchcock WITH STORIES BY RAY BRADBURY, SHIRLEY JACKSON, ROALD DAHL, MARGARET ST. CLAIR, AND MANY MORE.